
Project Manager – Garamba Alliance Activity at Adam Smith International

December 24, 2024
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Job Description


GAA Leadership, Project Management and Reporting:

Lead the project implementation and coordination process, its financial management, monitoring and evaluation, and risk management, reporting, and learning.
Support the CoP to coordinate the formulation of work plans. Monitor the workplan, supporting the COP to lead delivery by ensuring activities are on track and within budget.
In collaboration with the COP, ensure optimum consultant inputs and the achievement of desired results. Hold monthly meetings with the COP to go over consultant burn rates and discuss performance. Escalate performance issues to PD.
Set program policies and refresh these on a periodic basis, working from the i) Technical Manual ii) Operations Manual and iii) Finance Manual established by the previous PM.
Provide the team with confidence that the ASI systems and processes will support them in delivering on their work, whether that be from a DoC, operational, or personal perspective. This is an integral part of the PM role given the remote field presence.
Develop reporting templates and manage the quarterly reporting on activities (alongside the Chief of Party) finances, and performance.
Work with the CoP to identify technical needs and develop individual ToRs of team members. Work with ASI’s People and Talent team to advertise roles, screen, and review candidates.
Participate in management calls, setting direction and escalating issues as appropriate, including: weekly SMT call, Workstream Calls, Finance and Operations, and regular USAID catch ups.
Compile and submit final reports with a strong focus on progress against log frame milestones and targets.

GAA Financial Management and Risk Management:

Maintain all elements of the contract on PSA including approvals, project structure, cost disaggregation, onboarding project team, and pull and upload actuals on a regular basis.
The PM should maintain thorough knowledge of the GAA budget and the contract. Ensure that key figures (such as value of milestones, fees, budgets allocated to key expense lines/categories, resources leveraged, etc) are kept up to date on PSA, that data is clean, and reporting is passed to the Executive Team.
Review and spot check project costs, including local operational expenditure, subsidies and grants, and sub awardee invoices.
Issue client invoices for each quarter, accompanied by quarterly Accrual Reports and Financial Performance Reports. This includes:
SF425 – Federal Financial Report
SF270 – Request for Advance or Reimbursement
A USAID-compliant invoice cover
A follow-up report with disaggregated cost analysis
Maintain accurate financial forecasting for both the ET and USAID, communicating any changes to forecast early and justifying variances when incurred.
Working with ASI support staff, ensure that financial and administrative processes and procedures are fit-for-purpose and are effectively implemented in line with USAID and ASI’s internal requirements.
Act as focal point of programmatic risk management with USAID and partners, updating of the programme RAID register on PSA. Incorporate RAID into periodic risk reporting.
Work with the Global Head of Security to ensure the application of duty of care and security provisions and protocols for the project team.
Manage project partnerships including initial assessment, screening, contracting, and due diligence for those looking to join The Alliance platform.
Work with USAID’s Procurement Department to ensure that all compliance processes are followed, that changes to the team structure and budget are communicated and approved, and that contractual obligations are met (see contract Special Provisions).
Ensure any incidents of fraud and corruption are raised with the PD and USAID in a timely manner.
Working with the Head of North America, continue to develop indirect cost accounting, analysing indirect costs on a quarterly basis, ensuring appropriate billing from support staff, and adapting our indirect cost methodology throughout the year. Support the Head of North America to eventually apply for a USAID-approved NICRA.

GAA AMEL, Learning and VfM:

Adapt flexible program management while also capturing and sharing learning and changes, and following up on recommendation from quarterly Steering Committee and pause & reflect sessions.
Track leverage generated by the Alliance and report this alongside project expenditure, both to meet contractual obligations but also demonstrate a strong value for money case.
Develop a Value for Money framework alongside the Chief of Party and MEL Lead, combining unit cost information with results indicators to provide additional quality assurance to USAID.
Participate in regular calls and workshops under the USAID CARPE umbrella. Draft literature for the project, both for internal and external use, and contribute to communications pieces.

GAA Relationships, Team Performance and Management:

Establish and maintain strong collaborative and effective working relations with USAID Agreement Officer Representative and the USAID Procurement Team.
Be responsible for (or delegate responsibility) coordinating and sharing minutes for all regular meetings, particularly with project partners (implementation, and resource partners).
Contract and establish and maintain strong relationships with counterparts and implementing partners, to ensure effectiveness in delivery of outputs.
Manage the recruitment and contracting new team members, including negotiating fee rates, filing and managing their contracts. Provide the COP such information on contract terms needed to perform their role.
Ensuring GAA Teams/SharePoint folder is used by all team members and is always up to date; GAA works online to ensure version control, with very few exceptions.
Agree with the COP a line management structure and division of responsibilities, as part of a SMT RACI, and assuring team members’ performance, deliverables, and professionalism.
Support COP in conducting regular performance reviews of all team members.
Maintain ASI’s network in DRC to better understand innovations in the private sector, current themes in donor programming, maintain brand visibility, and identify upcoming opportunities.

DRC Country Management:

Contribute to Business Development efforts in the DRC.
Maintain a network of consultants, primarily across Economic Growth, Security, Peacekeeping, and Natural Resource Governance, ensuring that ASI maintains a strong position within the market.
Manage the relationship with lawyers and tax advisers in DRC, seeking advice for, and resolving, any issues concerning compliance and authorities.
Administer our local entity, including contracting, tax declarations, and supporting our regional finance teams on audit.


Achieve all contractual requirements including: Special Provisions, Leverage Targets, Quarterly Deliverables, all on time and within project budget.
Accurate expenses and fees accruals submitted on time.
Achieve regular KPIs established by the Finance Department.
All classified risks to project documented, mitigated and escalated if necessary.
Strong and effective relationships developed with GAA counterparts: USAID, Kibali and other key stakeholders.
Development and maintenance of a culture within the GAA team that reflects ASI values.
Increased corporate knowledge of industry and political developments within DRC.
Ensuring Duty of Care is provided for all staff.


A post-graduate degree in Economics, Business Administration, Social Sciences or equivalent.


Between 3-7 of relevant professional experience.
Some experience in fragile states.
Experience in Sub-Saharan Africa preferred.