
Consultant for Feasibility Study at Johanniter International

August 23, 2024
Application deadline closed.
Deadline date:
Application deadline closed.

Job Description


Objectives of the Study

Assess the current socio-economic conditions and access to livelihoods of refugees and host communities in Kakuma.

Assess the current socio-economic conditions and access to livelihoods of refugees and host communities in Kakuma.
Identify key challenges and opportunities related to livelihoods, food security, and resilience.
Evaluate the potential for vocational skills training and business start-up support.
Assess the feasibility of promoting income-generating activities and climate-smart agriculture in Kakuma, in both refugee and host communities.
Identify protection and psychosocial support needs, particularly for women, youth, and people with disabilities in Kakuma.
Assess whether proposed project actions are not duplicating but complementary to other efforts outside of this project in Kakuma, Turkana.
Assess the potential partner in terms of experience and capacity-building needs of the expected project in Kakuma, Turkana County.
Develop a detailed project implementation plan, including risk assessment and risk mitigation strategies.
How does the planned project contribute to the strategies and programs of state and county government of Turkana or other organizations presented in the context analysis?
To what extent are there the synergies and linkages between the planned project and other interventions by the county government and other key humanitarian actors?
Is the approach suitable to achieve the set purpose? Are alternatives necessary?
At which level (multi-level approach) are additional measures required to increase effectiveness to be envisaged?
Evaluate risks/factors that may hamper the planned project from achieving the set outcome(s).
Evaluate the management practices that may derail the project or promote the project; what can be done differently, continued or stopped to ensure likely achievement of project intentions.

Efficiency or cost-effectiveness

Ascertain and provide rationale for resources needed to deliver the proposed interventions.
Assess if the stated objectives can be achieved within the given time frame.
What would the general outline of an appropriate management and coordination structure for an efficient project setup look like in the respective county and for overall programme steering?
Make recommendations for ensuring efficiency of project implementation.

Impact – Contribution to change

Assesses the positive and negative consequences of the project activities, direct and indirect, intended and unintended.
Quantify and qualify the likely life changes to the target population that can be attributable to the project or the project can contribute to.
Ascertain the likely positive and negative, intended or unintended, political, socioeconomic and environmental effects of the proposed project.
Identify opportunities for livelihoods system strengthening and make them inclusive in a sustainable way.
Clarify what role/responsibility will be assumed of County government, JIA, LOKADO and the refugees and host communities. To what extend can local potentials, structures and processes be developed and strengthened? Which measures and instruments are best suited in utilizing and strengthening local initiatives, community participation and capacities?
Evaluate the clarity of the exit strategy and its potential to allow for a smooth transition of responsibilities.
Assess what risks (personnel risks for the implementing parties, institutional and reputational risks, context risks) exist during the project implementation and how can they be minimized?
Assess the extent to which technical, financial, social sustainability can be assured beyond project life-cycle.


Assess to what extent safeguarding mechanisms have been considered for integration into the planned project and propose ways safeguarding can be strengthened.
Evaluate feedback and complaints systems that are foreseen

The Methodology

The feasibility study is to be designed and conducted through a participatory process combining both quantitative and qualitative methods at the local level. Some of the methodologies may include but are not limited to the following:

Literature/secondary data review: literature review and analysis of existing data which includes review of data from end-line survey conducted by JIA in 2024 in Kakuma, County Integrated Development Plan etc.
Focus group discussions and key informant interviews with focal representatives from the County government of Turkana, related Ministries, local NGOs and INGOs, community leaders and members among others.
Household surveys to gather quantitative data on livelihood activities, income levels, food security status, and access to resources (this list is not exhaustive).
Planning workshop with internal and external stakeholders to adopt the report and review the project design documents.
The Consultant is expected to use a variety of methods to collect and analyse data. Participatory methods should be used to collect qualitative and quantitative data. The Consultant shall indicate the methodology he/she intends to use in his/her proposal.

Deliverables and schedule

Inception Report: Outlining the methodology, work plan, timeline and proposed data collection tools and feasibility study questions matrix(matching feasibility study questions with data collection tools);
Interim Report: Summary of preliminary findings from the desk review and field research.
Draft Feasibility Study Report: Detailed analysis and findings, including recommendations and a draft implementation plan.
Presentation of findings in a validation workshop, with a power point presentation, highlighting main findings and recommendations.
Final Feasibility Study Report: (max. 30 pages with annexes) incorporating feedback from stakeholders and presenting a comprehensive recommendation and plan for project implementation.

Duration of the Study

The feasibility study is expected to take place over a period of 6 weeks from the date of contract signing to final report presentation as detailed below. Key milestones include:

Deliverables vs Estimated No of Days

Inception report + Tools of data collection -4days
Identification and training of Data Collection enumerators and Actual data collection, including 2 travel days -8days
Draft report writing -8days
A presentation at validation stage -1day
Final Report -1day

Total Number of Days – 25days
Qualifications of the Consultant/Team

The Feasibility study team/Consultant should have the following attributes among others:

Relevant degree e.g. agriculture, social sciences, development studies etc
Proven experience in conducting feasibility studies and evaluations for livelihood and resilience projects.
Strong background in socio-economic research and analysis, particularly in refugee and host community settings.
Expertise in vocational training, business development, and climate-smart agriculture.
Understanding of protection and psychosocial support needs for vulnerable populations.
Excellent analytical, writing, and presentation skills.
Excellent track record in designing and conducting quantitative and qualitative research, analysis and evaluation;
Ability to provide strategic recommendations to key stakeholders;
Excellent interpersonal and communication skills including ability to facilitate and work in a multidisciplinary team;
Strong analytical skills and ability to clearly synthesize and present findings;
Ability to draw practical conclusions and to prepare well‐written reports in a timely manner and availability during the proposed period;

Terms of Payment

Payments will be made based on agreed-upon deliverables on contracting.