Assistant Director, Information Communication Technology at Nairobi City County Public Service Board
Job Description
Job Requirement
For appointment to this grade an officer must have:
Served in the grade of Principal Information Communication Technology or in an equivalent and relevant position in the Public Service for a minimum period of three (2) years;
A Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information System Technology or ICT related discipline from a recognized Institution;
Demonstrated professional ability, initiative and competence in organizing and directing work.
Job Description
An officer at this level will head a division at the ICT Unit in a Department.
Planning, monitoring and evaluating program activities;
Ensuring ICT goals and objectives are met; approving of ICT standards for application;
Liaising with users to ensure that information processing needs are met;
Reviewing and evaluating feasibility studies and reports for implementation;
Management and coordination of the unit;
Supervising ICT officers;
Providing assistance in the development of ICT strategic plans;
Ensuring that ICT projects are completed within the planned time and budget;
Ensuring that procedures and standards are adhered to;
Liaising with heads of Department in the County in developing and implementing change management initiatives;
ensuring that officers are adequately trained;
drawing up the budget for the ICT unit; and
procurement of ICT equipments and services.