Director of Education at County Government of Bungoma
Job Description
Duties and Responsibilities
Administering and Managing Early Childhood and Vocational Training programs at County and Community level;
Coordinating Vocational and Early Childhood Development Education programs;
Conducting capacity building programs for Vocational and Early childhood teachers and other stakeholders;
Developing and disseminating county based (local) curriculum for Vocational and Early childhood development program;
Identifying, designing, undertaking and coordinating research on Vocational and Early childhood development.;
Monitoring and disseminating information of Vocational and Early childhood programs anddeveloping county โ based programs that cater for the development;
Strengthening strategic partnerships and collaborations among stakeholders on promotion of Early Childhood and Vocational Training;
Initiating, formulating and overseeing implementation and review of County and National policies on Early Childhood Education and Vocational Training;
Undertaking research on Early Childhood Development and Vocational Training;
Coordinating establishment and functioning of Boards of Management for Vocational Training;
Facilitating preparation and implementation of Departmental annual work plans and budgetary requirement as per the strategic plans;
Coordinating implementation of Performance Work Plans, monitoring and evaluation of various Departmental projects and programs;
Establishing of local and foreign linkages;
Monitoring and evaluation of Curricular and co-curricular activities;
Development and management of Education Information Management System to manage Early Childhood Development Education and Vocational Training.
Requirements for Appointment
For appointment to this grade one must:
Be a Kenyan Citizen;
Have Bachelors degree in Education, Early Childhood Education or Technical Education from a recognized institution;
Bachelors degree in Science/Arts with a post Graduated Diploma in Education from a recognized institution;
Masters degree in any of the following discipline: Education Administration, Curriculum,
Management, Education Technology of Early Childhood Education from a recognized institution;
Served in the grade of Deputy Director or its equivalent position in the public service for at least three (3) years.
Have a Senior Management course lasting not less than four (4) weeks from a recognized institution.
Have a Strategic Leadership Course (SLDP) certificate lasting not less than six weeks from a recognized institution;
Must have 15 yearsโ experience in the public service 5 years of which should be in senior management position;
Certificate in computer applications from a recognized institution;
Thorough understanding of provisions of Vocational Training and ECDE Education policies and have the ability to relate them to County and National Development goals
Have demonstrated merit and ability as reflected in work performance and results;
Satisfy Chapter six of the constitution of Kenya 2010.