Medical Officer – (2) Posts at Baringo County Government
Job Description
Dutiesand Responsibilities
Formulation, implementation andreview of health policies, regulations, standards, guidelines and protocols
Provision of clinical care,general/community diagnosis, and treatment and rehabilitation of patients;
Undertake medical examinations andwrite reports
Conduct disease prevention,surveillance, and control;
Provision of emergency responseand clinical care services during disaster;
Undertake health research
Provision of forensic and medicallegal services
Provision of medical psycho-socialinterventions
Provision of health education andpromotion;
Management of health facilities
Facilitation of medical boardproceedings
Facilitation of training ofinterns and other health personnel
Requirementsfor appointment
A mean grade of KCSE C+ Plain
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
At least one-year internship experience
Registrationwith the Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentist Council
Valid Practicing license
Certificate in ComputerApplication